Equating discipline with death


Ms. Supersvelte here. I am decidedly less bullish about the 50 pounds in 50 weeks being a relatively easy endeavour. I came back from a 2-week cruise on Feb. 6 and have been quite lackadaisacal since. I’ve gone faithfully to Weight Watchers (WW) on Saturdays, but I haven’t tracked what I’m ingesting too diligently and exercise has been almost non-existent. Back to my old tricks with wine. (I only had two days this month so far where I was a tee-totaller.) And the scale is saying “I told you so”.  Weighed in at 201.8 today at WW. So I weigh 3.2 pounds less than January 1. Quite behind target, I’d say. I’m supposed to be at 197 today to lose 50 pounds in 50 weeks.

I’ve concluded that I equate discipline with death. Let me explain. My Mom died at age 48 from breast cancer. She was a healthy and slim non-drinker. My sister and I had quite opposite reactions. Robin became a runner and a roasted vegetable fan. She drinks wine maybe once a week. I decided that genetics get you no matter how you live, and since I fully expected to die young, I merrily ate and drank my way through my 30s and 40s. Now that I’m 52, it has caught up with me. My metabolism has slowed down due to menopause and advancing years. So if I’m going to stick around on planet earth for awhile longer, I’d like to maximize my energy and be healthy.

Whenever I am at a venue where the wine is flowing and the conversation is sparkling and the food is divine, I always think “live for the day, for tomorrow you may die”. This week, I was worried about my Dad, who is battling cancer.

So if one equates discipline with death, it’s tough to resist whatever is at hand. So I need to shed this thinking pattern.

Today I was quite hungover from a lovely evening – started out with wine quaffing with a friend, followed by dinner with some buddies where the wine was flowing and the table groaning from lamb and other delicious morsels.

So Jay and I went to the gym, I tracked Weight Watchers points and calories (1,100) and made a delicious shrimp stir fry. I had 4 oz. of wine. So virtuous. So disciplined. So life-affirming. 🙂